Atomic Enrollment – Growth Partners for Education Companies, Trade Schools, Vocational Training, Coaching, High Ticket Services

How to Revive Your Enrollment Pipeline

A prospective student reaches for more information about your program then they vanish from your life. No matter how many emails and phone calls you make you’re never able to connect with them. Better yet, your admissions rep talks to a prospective student, they’re excited to enroll after the call, they start the application, but then again POOF they vanish from your life and they never finish the application to enroll.  


There’s could be some underlying reasons why this is happening:

  • The prospect had a life emergency (hit by a car)
  • Your admissions rep is just horrible at selling the program
  • The prospect really can’t afford this right now 
  • The prospect no longer has a need for the program (got a raise at their job or a new job they like)
  • The prospect thought your program was inferior to a competitor program 


Also this usually means your prospective student wasn’t framed in the right way in your ads so you need to recalibrate your ads. Please reach out to us to hear more about our content first strategies that nurture your prospects so when do to reach out via email or a call they are primed and ready to enroll. 


 However there is a proven tactic to pull as a wild card to REVIVE these lifeless prospects with some CPR. It’s called the VIDEO TEXT MESSAGE FOLLOW UP.


One of the reasons why you’re not able to connect with the prospect when you call is because these days people DO NOT pick up phone numbers they don’t know. Some phones such as iOS have a built in feature to send unknown numbers straight to voicemail. (read here). However most people check ALL their text messages. 


 So this is how to reconnect with prospects in your pipeline that have a phone number and generate enrollments. Send out a video text message. 


Step 1: shoot a short video from your phone or laptop (doesn’t have to be a high fidelity video)


Step 2: introduce yourself and mention that they reached out for more info on your program a few weeks ago and you’re here to reconnect and answer any questions for them. 
* lazy version is doing a generic version for all prospects. If your admissions/sales team a rockstar you can personalize each video by saying the prospects name


Step 3: send out the video via text to each prospect 
*can be done via a phone (whether personal or the business) don’t do it via a blast from a CRM


Here’s a script you can follow:

“hey it’s [admissions/sales rep name] from [organization] you reached out a few weeks/days ago requesting more info about our [program name & what is the program]. I just wanted to reach out and introduce myself and let you know I’m here to answer any questions you may have. You can text me back here or shoot me a call at this number [repeat your number]. Looking forward to helping.”

*also mention if you have any upcoming events or deadlines coming up


Here’s an example video we shot for a client: 


This tactic really works well and generates a lot of enrollments for our clients!! However keep in mind this is a GREAT tactic that can be mixed into a great overall strategy but tactics can never heal or replace good digital marketing.