Atomic Enrollment – Growth Partners for Education Companies, Trade Schools, Vocational Training, Coaching

Client Testimonials & Case Studies

Wind/Cell Tower Technician Training

Traditional trade school that went from 0 social presence to now growing 400% year over year with social advertising. 

Technology Sales Coaching

A premier tech focused sales consultancy we helped launch and scale a new offer. 

Product Management Bootcamp

Tech bootcamp we helped scale 1000%+ over three years with SEO, social ads and Google ads. 

Audio Engineering School

Multi year client that we helped hit their goal maxing out each class and building a waitlist per class! 

Wind/Cell Tower Technician Training

A long term client relationship that we’ve now helped scale their enrollments 400%+ year over year for five years. 

Software Development Bootcamp

Worked directly with the CMO to scale up a coding bootcamp. 

Commercial RE Coaching Program

Helped launch and scale a early stage coaching program by installing our Social Selling Machine. 

Global Creative Careers School

Global and national creative school with 12 locations, AE has been multi-year trusted growth partner. 

Massage / Acupuncture Accredited School

Helped fill out more than half their classrooms with our growth efforts for many years.

College Advisory Services

A local small business we installed our Social Selling Machine of social ads and recruiting + training a sales rep to scale revenue. 

Case Studies

Sequenced Video Ads - Case Study of 400% Growth at 20x ROAs

See how one of our core content first ad strategies called the “Fly Trap” helps our client grow 400%.

$200k+ Per Live Webinar!

Here’s an update from Feb 2024 when we were helping generate $100k per webinar. Hear what’s been working to higher monetization on live webinars.

Trade School Case Study - $135k in 45 Days from Meta Ads

Here’s a case study on a construction training trade school we’ve helped generated $135k in new enrollment revenue during our short trial period of 45 days.

$273k in 60 Days at 25.2x ROAs with Cold Traffic

See our case study on how we generated our client who sells a 6 month software development training bootcamp generate $273k in new revenue in the past 60 days this year with a cold audience at 25.2x ROAs.